Sarah successfully completes the Race to the Castle

By GSM Graphic Arts
schedule18th Aug 21

Last month Sarah Peckitt took part in a 100 km ultra-marathon to raise money for Brain Tumour Research and The Brain Tumour Charity.

In preparation for the event, when not providing label and nameplate quotations for GSM’s customers, Sarah trained hard for the walk of a lifetime covering 100 km over 2 consecutive days to raise money for charity.

As the sponsors came in, the days leading up to the event ticked away and the pressure was on! After a long wait the first day finally arrived and the weather in Kirkharle was miserable! Muddy, wet and cold. The views and scenery were interrupted by the deep fog that had set in. Even so, Sarah took an incredible 82,380 steps to complete the first day of the walk.

After a night spent camping near Amble the weather on the second day was fortunately a complete contrast. There was plenty of sunshine and sea views to enjoy with the route following the Northumbrian coastline as a more cheerful Sarah strode merrily towards the finish line at Bamburgh Castle.

Having completed her first Race to the Castle Sarah counted her blisters of which there were many. Trying to counteract the dampening effect of the blisters, Sarah then counted how much money she had raised for charity… a whopping £1395!

This completely smashed Sarah’s original £1000 target. Well done, Sarah.